Why Should Children With Special Needs Take Music Lessons?

Why Should Children With Special Needs Take Music Lessons?

Music Is A Form of Therapy: Why Special Needs Kids Should Take Music Lessons

Music is known to soothe and tap into human emotions and connections. From rhythm to lyrics, it tells a narrative, evoking different feelings.

As people incorporate music into their lives, it may be safe to say that music today is a universally comprehensible language everybody can speak.

Regardless of who you are, music is an expression everyone can use, and that includes children with special needs, learning disabilities, and developmental challenges.

Explore how music can be another form of therapy for your child’s functional needs, its benefits for their progress, and Music Lifestyle Academy’s approach to helping your children experience the best of these advantages. If you are stuck at the crossroads on whether to enroll your child in music lessons, stick around to learn more and make an informed decision.

The Therapeutic Language of Music

More than just inciting emotional reactions, music also affects several parts of the brain involved in cognition, sensory perception, and movement. Listening to it offers regenerative benefits to our bodies.

From instrumental play to lyrical writing, music is refreshing, considering the multitude of advantages it brings to the table.

People have seen music as therapy for depression as it can be used as a tool to reduce symptoms and release stress. It has the power to instigate a more positive mindset that keeps anxiety maintained at a bay.

Meanwhile, special needs kids can also view music as a form of therapy–a language they can use to support their wellness and development.

How? Children, especially students with special needs, have big emotions, and some may struggle translating them into words. Music can be a platform to express and regulate their feelings.

Discovering more of the diversity of gains music classes bring to your child’s life is also worthwhile.

Beyond The Notes: How Music Lessons Help Special Needs Kids

Music strengthens an individual’s speech, reading, and attention skills. These are the most common aspects that people with learning disabilities need to focus on improving further.

However, let’s dive deeper. Here are the specific benefits music lessons share to children with special needs.

  • Music upholds focus

    It is common for many special needs kids to get easily distracted. You can teach them concentration skills by enrolling them in a music course like a cello lesson or violin class. Over time, this value may reflect in other areas of their lives.
  • Music is multi-sensory

    You may initially think that only our auditory senses are at work during our musical experience. But it’s a lot more than that. Music can also manifest physically with people feeling the vibrations. The bodily system is engaged as you use your hands to play in your guitar classes. Your eyes move as you gain control of the motion of every strum. The cross-sensory immersion ideally fits special needs children because it appeals to their sensory strengths and needs for their development.

  • Music helps your child bond, build confidence

    Some special needs kids find it challenging to engage in social interactions. But now’s the time to highlight how music brings people closer to each other. In music classes, they can learn different forms of non-verbal cues associated with a sound’s tone, pitch, or volume. Being knowledgeable of these signals allows these children to build better correspondence. With the right music academy and teachers facilitating their music lessons, they can be confident and comfortable in an environment where communication and expression issues become impertinent. This may result in better interactions and relationships with their peers, inside and outside their music lessons. Music also creates opportunities to bond people together. Through live performances, students of different background and culture comes together to form a unity. The experience of performing in front of a friendly audience will give students a boost of confidence.

  • Music boosts body coordination

    Whether your child takes a guitar, violin, or piano course, playing any musical instrument requires practising body coordination. When reading the notes and then carrying out techniques with your hands, you use different body parts at once. In music classes for special needs students, learners can exercise this skill and strengthen their neurological connections.

  • Music enriches articulation

    Learning music demands working with repetition, lyrics, and patterns. It exposes your child to exercising their minds in processing words and ideas. Once they have established their grip on assimilating their thoughts, they can easily articulate words and convey the message they have in mind.

Music Lifestyle Academy’s Learning Approach

Music Lifestyle Academy provides music courses in Singapore that are personalised and driven by the expertise of our devoted music teachers.

Our techniques are inspired by our goal: to provide quality, well-rounded music education to everyone by encourage your child to step out of their comfort zone and giving them opportunities to perform outside of standard curriculum.

With this intention, special needs kids can maximise their full potential and revel in the benefits of music lessons.


Customised Teaching Methods

We believe that every child’s learning style is different. Our academy strives to be student-focused by tailoring every learning experience to their needs.

Our Teaching Approach:

  • Our teachers are equipped and trained to work with children with special needs
  • We ensure our classroom learning activities are non-stressful so that the children are happy learners
  • We put our student’s interest first and introduce music content gradually so that students are entitled to a customized curriculum, making our lessons fun and rewarding in a relaxed and friendly environment
  • To achieve the best results, our teachers focus on understanding each student’s strength’s & weaknesses

We are committed to facilitating group or private lessons for your child where we can anchor our teaching plans to your child’s mentality and desires. Additionally, we help students choose the best and budget-friendly instruments.

While our approach may be personalised, our teaching methods remain well-researched, streamlined, and inspired by both the Violin legendary Jascha Heifetz as well as Yamaha Curriculum.

Through our quarterly recital, students are rewarded with a sense of accomplishment with each performance opportunity.

Music-Theory Focused

At our academy, we don’t just want students to learn how to play instruments. We also push them to understand the foundation and the meaning behind music.

We provide music theory lessons in Singapore that children can use to understand their purpose in music.

At a child’s young age, we want to build a strong formation of music in their life through teaching music theory. For every recital hall we conduct, we’d love to see them write their piece and explore music structures and genres using the footing we established within them during their music lessons.

Dedicated and Nurturing Teachers

Our teachers at Music Lifestyle are adept in music pedagogy. Experience being handled by our supportive and handpicked music instructors who apply modernised methods and musicianship in every class.

Learn correct techniques, posture, and more! May it be teaching the piano, cello, violin or guitar course–our educators are determined to guide your kids through everything they need to know about music and their chosen instrument.

Unlock Your Child’s Music Potential With Us!

Indeed, there is healing in music. The therapeutic benefits it yields could help special needs kids develop holistically. What you’ll need are educators who will guide them on their music journey at every stage.

In the symphony of musical education, our institution stands as a beacon of compassion and personalised guidance. Here, we embrace a philosophy that transcends the notes on a sheet, recognising each member of our music academy as a unique composition of dreams and potential.

Our approach is marked by dedication and a nurturing spirit, especially towards children and those with special needs. We take pride in being the hand that holds, guiding aspiring musicians through every delicate phase of their lives.

Our teachers are not just maestros in music lessons but mentors in life, tailoring their instruction to foster growth not only in the realm of music but also in academics and career pursuits. In the intimate harmony of our music classes, every student is not just a learner but a cherished melody, and we take joy in witnessing them flourish not only as musicians but as well-rounded individuals composing the symphony of their own lives.

Music Lifestyle Academy looks forward to touching your children’s lives through music. Being a guide to aspiring musicians, we want to give children access to music lessons in Singapore–dedicated to your child’s growth and exposing them to different music opportunities.

If you are interested in enrolling your child in music lessons, contact us here.

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Why Should Children With Special Needs Take Music Lessons?